Vocational Education


Southern Cross Catholic College offers an excellent Vocational Education Program which provides pathways for students into the world of work and further study which can lead to Universi​​ty entry for a lot of courses.
​​Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses can be undertaken in the following ways:

  1. ​External RTO delivered at Southern Cross Catholic College, Scarborough.

    • Undertake a nationally recognised qualification offered onsite by an external RTO (see details below). These courses are undertaken at the school as per normal timetable arrangements.

  2. External RTO delivered at External RTO premises.

    • Undertake a nationally recognised qualification offered by an external RTO (see details below). These courses are undertaken at the external RTO location.

  3. School Based Traineeship or Apprenticeship.

  4. Undertaken as a School Based Traineeship or Apprenticeship involving paid work and “on-the-job” training.

​Qualification (Code and Course Name)

Registered Training Organisation (RTO)

1 – VET Courses offered by External RTOs undertaken at School

BSB30120 Certificate III in BusinessiVET Institute ​RTO 40548
SIS​​20122 Certificate II in Sport and RecreationBinnacle Training RTO 31319
SIS30122 Certificate III in Sports, Aquatics &​ Recreation
​​Binnacle Training RTO 31319
HLT23215 Certificate II in Health Support ServicesConnect ‘n’ Grow RTO 40518​
HLT33115 Certificate III in Health Services AssistanceConnect ‘n’ Grow RTO 40518
​BSB50120 Diploma of Business
​​Barrington College RTO 45030
​10971NAT Certificate IV Justice Studies
​Unity College (32123)
ALM20121 Certificate II in Animal CareCQU (32123)
​MEM20413 Certificate II in Engineering PathwaysBlue Dog Training RTO 31193

2 – VET Courses undertaken offsite with External RTO

Various VET in Schools courses at various locations

3 – VET Courses undertaken as a School Based Traineeship or Apprenticeship

Contact the Pathways Program Leader on 07 3480 3600 for details.

​Other VET Programs

  • ​​​In Years 11 and 12 students can undertake off-campus, a VET pathway which might include VET in School programs offered by TAFE Queensland, including SkillsTech, All Trades Queensland​ Banyo, some ATTC North Brisbane courses or school-based traineeships and apprenticeships.  
  • ​​​Other short courses include Responsible Service of Alcohol delivered by BluePrint and the Building and Construction Industry Safety Induction White Card delivered by Blue Dog Training. 
  •  ​Students can apply for these programs including a school-based traineeship or apprenticeship following the SET Plan Meeting process which takes place in the second half of Year 10. 
  • Vacancies are advertised via Teams and email for students as well as on the Careers Noticeboard, where students can find their own traineeships or apprenticeships. 
  • Students can complete or partially complete their school-based traineeships or apprenticeships whilst still at school and their qualifications are nationally recognised. Completed certificates contribute points towards a student’s Queensland Certificate of Education.  
  • Other VET information delivered through fortnightly campus newsletter. ​