Fee structure

​​​​​​There are four compulsory components to school fees:

Tuition fees:

Dependent on the Phase of Learning.

These cover the majority of school expenses other than those within the Resource Levy (details below). Expenses include staff salaries, administration and operating costs of the College.

Capital levy:

This is a building improvement and maintenance levy used for the acquisition, construction and maintenance of school buildings and to support capital loan repayments. It is compulsory and not tax deductible.

Parent Community levy:

These funds are utilised to support the College and its community.

Resource Levy:

Dependant on year level and subjects studied. This covers the cost of student expenses such as classroom consumables, excursions and student protection insurance.


Schedule of fees

The total cost of fees and charges is dependent on the phase of learning (Early, Junior, Middle or Senior Years) and the year level resource levy and subject levy. A full schedule of fees can be found in the attachment below, as well as a break down of payment options.

​The preferred method of payment is via the College's Direct Debit facility. The College can​​ arrange a payment plan that suits your family (weekly or fortnightly payments) through your bank.

Fee payment can also be made with your credit card. Access to this facility is via a link below, or foun​d ​under ‘Quick Links’ on the home page.

2024 School Fees​​

Direct Debit Form​​

Fee Payment Options​​​

Pay fees

School fees can conveniently be paid online with a credit card, by clicking the link below.

Click here to pay school fees.